[Gpsbabel-code] delbin arguments
2016-02-14 19:52:11 UTC
This change
added a new option to delbin in a non-standard fashion.
argvalptr is used in the definition.

defs.h indicates
argvalptr; /* !!! internal helper. Not used in definitions !!! */
perhaps the intent could have been met by setting defaultvalue instead, i.e.
diff --git a/delbin.cc b/delbin.cc
index 0e0ec2d..56735fc 100644
--- a/delbin.cc
+++ b/delbin.cc
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static arglist_t delbin_args[] = {
{"hint_at_end", &opt_hint_at_end, "If true, geocache hint at end of
- {"gcsym", &opt_gcsym, "If set to 0, prefer user-provided symbols
over Groundspeaks ones for geocaches", NULL, ARGTYPE_BOOL,
ARG_NOMINMAX, (char*) "1" },
+ {"gcsym", &opt_gcsym, "If set to 0, prefer user-provided symbols
over Groundspeaks ones for geocaches", "1", ARGTYPE_BOOL, ARG_NOMINMAX },
This is the only suspicious instance I see of a format accessing argvalptr.

delbin is another format without a single test case.
Robert Lipe
2016-02-15 01:44:19 UTC
I'm bleary eyed, but I don't see anything in that CL that isn't basically
how we handle arg parsing in a hundred other places, but let's escalate it
and drop it instead of haggling about it.

Delbin has been an ongoing source of pain. Nobody responded to my "does
anyone use it?" question before. I'm about 80% sure I broke it in the big
1.5 move and nobody noticed. Please just move it to deprecated/ and let's
all quit staring at that code.

In 2007, they released the PN-20, which was the first to use delbin. The
device is basically so slow that it's unusable even at that time.

The following year, they release the PN-40 which got some faint market
traction by fixing their performance problems, but it also added a bunch of
extensions to their protocol which Babel-head Paul Cornett worked through.
PN-20 is discontinued almost immediately.

Their comm protocol has ongoing ghosts. Even their own software isn't
terribly reliable talking to the devices. A retry will often magically
work. We also see inexplicable failures that go away on a retry.

In 2010, the PN-60 was released. With this model, they ditched their
proprietary protocol and went with the increasingly common "show up as a
disk drive and copy GPX files to and from it" model. They also released a
firmware update to the PN-40 that adds mass storage. Users flock to this
upgrade with joy.

Every conversation I can find since 2011 involving that unit ends with "use
GPX" and the PN-20 user base fell to zero pretty quickly. The

They never really get traction in the handheld market, opting instead for
SPOT integration via the InReach models - a place where they have very
little market.

This week, in fact, Delorme was bought by Garmin.

We need to not be nostalgic. Please just nuke it. We have a bunch of other
formats were I'd take a similar stance.
Post by tsteven4
This change
added a new option to delbin in a non-standard fashion.
argvalptr is used in the definition.
defs.h indicates
argvalptr; /* !!! internal helper. Not used in definitions !!! */
perhaps the intent could have been met by setting defaultvalue instead, i.e.
diff --git a/delbin.cc b/delbin.cc
index 0e0ec2d..56735fc 100644
--- a/delbin.cc
+++ b/delbin.cc
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static arglist_t delbin_args[] = {
{"hint_at_end", &opt_hint_at_end, "If true, geocache hint at end of
- {"gcsym", &opt_gcsym, "If set to 0, prefer user-provided symbols
over Groundspeaks ones for geocaches", NULL, ARGTYPE_BOOL,
ARG_NOMINMAX, (char*) "1" },
+ {"gcsym", &opt_gcsym, "If set to 0, prefer user-provided symbols
over Groundspeaks ones for geocaches", "1", ARGTYPE_BOOL, ARG_NOMINMAX },
This is the only suspicious instance I see of a format accessing argvalptr.
delbin is another format without a single test case.
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